Ok, I placed the spaw directory into the admincp dir.
I amended the spaw_control.config.php accordingly and this is what it is at the moment ( just the first few lines .. ):
PHP Code:
// directory where spaw files are located
$spaw_dir = '/spaw/';
// base url for images
$spaw_base_url = 'http://localhost/image/articles';
if (!ereg('/$', 'c:/program files/wamp/www/forum/admincp'))
$spaw_root = 'c:/program files/wamp/www/forum/admincp'.$spaw_dir;
$spaw_root = 'c:/program files/wamp/www/forum/admincp'.substr($spaw_dir,1,strlen($spaw_dir)-1);
In my file, I added an include which looks like this :
PHP Code:
include_once ('c:/program files/wamp/www/forum/admincp/spaw/spaw_control.class.php');
and call the instance using :
PHP Code:
$sw = new SPAW_Wysiwyg('spaw1',stripslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS['spaw1']));
Erros are gone now, but textarea no WYSIWYG controls.
Any ideas ?
p.s. thanks for the paths thingy