For my own use, I already purchased another WSYIWYG editor which integrates real easy and allows for image uploads and even sorting by folders etc.
I have an idea of how it can be done with Spaw as well ( making use of its dynamic img lib feature ).
Currently, when you add an article, the article 'pre-add' handler lets you input the article title first. It then checks the db for the last id entry and increases this count by one to create a folder in your set article img directory. This folder is the placeholder for this particular article's image(s).
This path ( the folder ) can be passed into the dynamic img lib array of Spaw, so that it looks into this folder for either img uploads or inserting of images into the article content.
All this sounds well and good, but at this point in time, I CANT EVEN GET THE EDITOR TO SHOW properly and it is really fustrating.
It gives me all sorts of warnings about not being able to include the neccessary config/control files in the spaw package.
And if I change a lot of the variables in the spaw config files, and do get rid of the warning erros ( hardcoded paths just to test mind you ...for e.g. C:/program files/wamp/www/spaw/config.blah blah ), the warning messages go away, the textarea box shows, but with no WYSIWYG editor interface, just the empty white textarea.....
any ideas Solox ?