I read your message that you were having problems with this hack under 3.0.4 so I figured I'd better try uninstalling it before I updated from 3.0.3. I updated to 3.0.5 this evening. I didn't want to try and save this hack through the upgrade. It's more of a headache to save it than it would be to simply spend the hour or so to hand install it again.
In order to get a thorough uninstall, I uploaded all the files from the .zip file, and then ran the install script and from there the uninstall option. The uninstall ran seemingly well until it was done. When I then tried accessing my forum I received a MySQL error message. Same when trying to access the admin CP. If I hadn't been upgrading ( which must've replaced the corrupted file ) I would be screwed.
I'm not going to re-install this hack and risk crippling my forum until I hear someone has it up and working under 3.0.5