Originally Posted by rake
PHP Code:
// only get subcats
$cats = $DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM cats WHERE parent <> 0");
while($cat = $DB_site->fetch_array($cats))
$cat_cache["$cat[parentid]"]["$cat[order]"] = $cat;
// only get parents
$parents = $DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM cats WHERE parent=0");
while($parent = $DB_site->fetch_array($parents))
foreach($cat_cache as $pr)
foreach($pr as $order => $subcat)
eval here
Might be some errors in there, but you get the idea of how it should work. Just 2 queries. 
Sorry rake, but I don't quite get your code ... ( noob here

but your solution could potentially teach me how to deal with handling queries in nested while loops ( which I keep using now ..... )
could you take the time to explain this to me, please ?