Hey, i suppose you lot have been asked this loads of times, i am using this code:
// ## Changes Directory so it can accesss vBulletin IF we are outside the forums folder, if not this is not nessary ##
// ## Error Reporting ( we use error reporting in php so we can control the display of error messages
// ## we will use this because all vBulletin files follow the same error reporting rules) ##
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
// ## this action here cache's the templates so that everytime their needed a querry wont be needed to run
// ## the names in there are just the template names :), there must be a comma after everyone but the last ##
$globaltemplates = array(
// ## Grabs global.php this grabs vbulletins global.php so we can use the most basic of vBulletins functions ##
// ## this calls to print out one main template ##
eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('index.php') . '");');
And is there any way of fixing the problems with the javascripts and images WITHOUT adding the vb home code to the relative urls?
Here is the page:
Also i know the template is called index.php, this is so that when i make my site from these they are easily edited as that will be the name for this page once done etc... etc...
Thanks Paul