Here is a real bug:
When an admin chooses to make a bug 'private' when he is making a new bug, it doesn't make the bug private. You have to edit the bug after to make it private.
Here is the solution to fix it:
PHP Code:
globalize($_POST, array('title' => STR, 'vbug_typeid' => INT, 'vbug_versionid' => INT, 'vbug_severityid' => INT, 'vbug_statusid' => INT, 'description' => STR, 'moderate' => INT, 'subscribe' => INT));
Replace with:
PHP Code:
globalize($_POST, array('title' => STR, 'vbug_typeid' => INT, 'vbug_versionid' => INT, 'vbug_severityid' => INT, 'vbug_statusid' => INT, 'description' => STR, 'moderate' => INT, 'subscribe' => INT, 'private' => INT));
PHP Code:
INSERT INTO vbugs (userid, adminid, title, description, vbug_statusid, postdate, vbug_severityid, vbug_typeid, vbug_versionid, moderate, lastedit, lastreplyuid)
VALUES ('$bbuserinfo[userid]', '$adminid', '" . addslashes($title). "', '" . addslashes($description) . "', '$vbug_statusid', '" . TIMENOW . "', '$vbug_severityid', '$vbug_typeid', '$vbug_versionid', '$moderate', " . TIMENOW . ", $bbuserinfo[userid])
Replace with:
PHP Code:
INSERT INTO vbugs (userid, adminid, title, description, vbug_statusid, postdate, vbug_severityid, vbug_typeid, vbug_versionid, moderate, lastedit, lastreplyuid, private)
VALUES ('$bbuserinfo[userid]', '$adminid', '" . addslashes($title). "', '" . addslashes($description) . "', '$vbug_statusid', '" . TIMENOW . "', '$vbug_severityid', '$vbug_typeid', '$vbug_versionid', '$moderate', " . TIMENOW . ", $bbuserinfo[userid], '$private')
Basicly, you forgot to make the 'do=insert' add the private variable.
For thouse who don't realize, the file I'm talking about is: vbugs.php