Originally Posted by PuntoPower
i must be doing something wrong,eres what i do
In ADMINCP/USERGROUP.PHP i add the following
print_yes_no_row($vbphrase['can_vbgarage'], 'usergroup[canvbgarage]', $ug_bitfield['canvbgarage']);
then in INCLUDES/INIT.PHP i add the following
'canvbgarage' => 16777216
then run the 5 queries and after that it still doesnt work, i can see as im a admin but none of the members can asit says they dont have permission, but i have enabled permisssion for them in the usergroup settings. please help, what step shud bring back the vbgarage options in the left panel of admincp?
Assuming you had vBgarage working already before your vB3.0.4 upgrade, you need to do all the file edits listed in the original install files. Then you need to modify the 'canvbgarage' bitmask as you listed above and then run the 5 queries.
That's really all I got for ya. I'm trying man, but that's all I got.
As for a scratch install, I haven't done one since I can't remember. I'd assume you do a full install as per the original instructions, but during the file edits part you make sure you make the change to the 'canvbgarge' bitmask.