SVTBlackLight01 - excellent work. I can verify that you do NOT need an affiliate account to use this hack. I must admit that things do get a little confusing in the sniplet stage when they ask for search paramaters. Perhaps you could put in your instructions for the coder to just input "userid1" in the second option where they ask for 'Search by Seller Id" (or something like that... i'm doing this from memory).
Anyhow, this would then help the coder find the &si= substitute area a little quicker. I ended up signing up with commission junction and adding search parameters up the wazoo before finally figuring it out. ROFLcopters and LOLlerskates. oh well.
In addition, I would like to suggest adding the following coding to the "memberlist_resultsbit" template. This would allow people to pull up a member's eBay listing when they do a Members List search. The ebay.gif link your provided will be displayed right under each Member's name and User Title (assuming User Titles is enabled.)
In "memberlist_resultsbit" template, find (it's right near the top):
<if condition="$show['usertitlecol']"><div class="smallfont">$userinfo[usertitle]</div></if>
Below, add:
<!--eBay Listings bit-->
<if condition="$userinfo['fieldx']"><a href="member.php?&do=memberauctions&userid=$userinfo[userid]"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/ebay.gif" alt="$userinfo[musername]'s eBay Auctions" border="0" /></a></if></div>
<!-- // eBay Listings bit-->
I think that's right and again, i'm doing it by memory. I'm not really a coder and haven't tested it out on an active board.
Good luck all and great work SVTBlackLight01!