Originally Posted by dfr.cry
I recommend going out and gettn some
This is always recomended...
I remember 13 very well, sleepless nights on the my comp which at the time was in the family room of our old house (moble home

). I kept the family up all night with the thing, dad hated the typing and my brother (who slept in the family room because I kicked him out of mine) hated the glare and the typing aswell.
At the time it was ubb that had me hooked, I had just got into hacking it and had just gotton into the internet heavy the year before.
Anyway long story short I know exactly what you are talking about, but unlike you I just kept on going, I loved my computer to much to give it up

. Now a days I have my car and pocket money so I tend to go out and see my friends and stick to using the computer later at night. But its still the first thing I come to whenever I get bored

Time off is good, enjoy it ;P
Btw, what's lmao means? I saw it somewhere but just forgot
LMAO = Laughing my ass off; at least in my experance
Can you guess what LMFAO means?