Thanks for your replies.
I've spent the best part of the last 2 hours going through everything in painstaking detail, took everything back to original settings etc (had kept a copy of original files) then went back through the procedure again and re-edited it all.
Went to run install script from browser...
Same problem : line 1910 in functions.php
This line doesnt even get edited!!!! How can there be a problem?
If anyone can shed any more light on this I would really appreciate it.
EDIT:One thing though - when I browse to my home page (forums and CMPS in same directory) there's just a list of the files as if the domain has nothing on it at all - you can just browse through the directories.
Also - one of the mods in the readme file - where you replace the script below:
function construct_calendar_output($today, $usertoday, $calendarinfo, $fullcalendar = 0, $weekrange = '')
global $birthdaycache, $eventcache, $bbuserinfo, $vbphrase, $stylevar, $show, $offset, $colspan, $days, $months, $show;
on my version (3.0.4) the $show; variable at the end isnt there when I start to edit the file in the first place.