Hello Everyone,
I was runnig MySQL v3.23 previously, and my db dumps worked fine .. However, I have since upgraded to v4.1.8a-log and I am having problems getting completed (or non corrupt) backups.. The problem is pretty big..
My Original Backup of the DB using 3.23 was 208MB --- When I upgraded to 4.18 the backup is only 138MB ... My users Avatar's, all attachments, etc are totally whacked out. Does anyone have any insight on what is causing this, and how to fix it? Any help is appreciated.. I need a new good backup desperately
This is from my corrupted DB:
This is supposed to be the actual avatar:
My original install was w/ an RPM from the Redhat Network, I uninstalled all RPM's associated w/ MySQL, Apache, and PHP and downloaded the latest of everything and compiled it. After I did an updatedb on my box, I searched for "mysqldump" and "mysql" to confirm it was gone -- nothing was found, except for the stuff in webmin (I don't use webmin to backup)
The command I had typed to backup my DB is as suggested in the Support Documentations on this site.
mysqldump --opt -Q -u <user> -p 3avBu > /backup/forumbackup-01-03-2005.sql
./mysqldump Ver 10.9 Distrib 4.1.8a, for redhat-linux-gnu (i686)