OK, leave it to the rather large bald one to come up with yet another member issue. This one is even more bizarre.
My member profiles work fine, as long as you don't choose your own. Yes, for some reason, the member that is logged in, cannot view his own member profile, but can view others. I'm really, really, not sure how I did that.
I've got a bunch of hacks on the board, too many to remove, and they're all working together in a harmonious fashion (quite to my surprise). When I use the default unhacked VBulletin templates, I still have the same "can't see myself in the member profile" problem. So, I think it's a php edit. Problem is, I've reverted the member and profile files back a bit, still with the same problem. I've performed the "repair broken user profiles" in ADMIN CP/Board maintenance.
Again, do any of the Vbulletin gods here have any suggestions as to what part of the board might be causing this??
Thanks, yet again.