Correct forum_old & forum_new.gif ?
Hi All;
i was a phpbb user and i droped out using phpbb, my new bb software is VBulletin.
i would like to ask a very basic question;
when someone replies a post or post a new threat i saw forum_new.gif instead of forum_old.gif, then i go to threat and read it then click to forum home link. BUT, i still see the forum_new.gif instead of forum_old.gif . i already read the post and i shouldnt see the forum_new.gif status icon. At least, in phpbb i always see "no new post" icon which is very useful for forum members.
And, i know that almost all of the visitors dont care about how VB is secure and functional. But they care about that tiny bits i mentioned above.
So, how may i correct the forum status icon. What should i do? i search the forums and didnt find a hack.
Please help...