Arpy hit the nail on the head.
History shows that you are only interested in your site when either someone wants to release addons and enhancements to your free hacks or you need money. And then you disappear again all the while people help run/moderate your site.
You had no problem accepting donations for your free hacks.
And if I recall correctly, the pitch for helping you sort out your money problems included a bit about releasing the Pro version of the arcade. You even posted a poll asking people how much they would be willing to pay.
And then not a word from you when your plans changed - that's where I am coming from.
It's not about a lack of support, never said that. It's about how you come off when you finally do decide to post something.
I also fail to see where you came back here to offer support? All I see is you showing something to people and saying "see this? you can't have it" - that's not support. That's being an arse.
Good luck in 2005.