Originally Posted by Regs
You have some nerve. You disappeared right after you suckered many people into giving you money for your "server & technical support" bills. Remember that? You left many, many people in the lurch... people that helped you.
I rent one server, that server hosts the v3arcade.com site. I didn't sucker anyone into anything, I just said that if I couldn't afford to pay for the hosting bill, the site would go down.
Some generous people came forward and contributed, enough to cover two months of hosting costs - which was great, it helped out a lot and the site stayed up. But I never suggested for a moment that donations would be for anything other than keeping the site alive.
Originally Posted by Regs
You have an attitude and a huge ego. One may also say you are pretty short sighted in not following up with your hacks properly. Very easily you could have been in the same position as vbadvanced.com if you had a better attitutde and more realistic view of your skills.
Unlucky for you.
Sorry Regs, but you've got me wrong. What you're seeing as ego is actually someone in a lot of financial difficulties who can't afford to spend any time working on these free addons for people.
If money wasn't a problem, I'd spend all my free time on these hacks and their support. Unfortunately for me, it is a problem. Ego doesn't come into it when it comes down to a choice between surviving and making sure you're completely happy with a piece of code I released.
And when I do come back to try to offer some support, I usually find messages from people like you, launching personal attacks for my lack of support. If you were in my position, wouldn't you think twice about why you were contributing here?