Originally Posted by Stangsta
Ok, When i pull it up in the browser, I get a blank page. When I use bbcode, I get a red x. Im pretty sure the paths are correct, here is what they are:
//full path to empty signature image (input image)
$vorlagedatei = "/home/sevencityracing/html/hosting/sig.jpg";
//full path to signare image with forum data (output image)
$ausgabedatei = "/home/sevencityracing/html/hosting/signature.jpg";
Im thinking its a "path" issue, but it looks correct to me. What can I be missing?
Again, thanks for taking the time to try and help me.
Ah, no worries, if I can help, it's nice to be able to give a little something back to such a great resource as .org
Anyway, I think you're correct about it being a path issue! your forums are here:
I'm guessing your signature.php is at
did you upload the images to a subdir of the forums, or straight off the root dir? If it's off the forums, thats the problem, your path seems to point somewhere out of the forums if you use the bbcode and get the red x, then right click the red x and look at the properties, it will tell you where it's looking (and not finding) the red x - you can adjust accordingly then! (That's how I fixed my red x issue anyway!)
Give that a shot and we'll go from there.