Something has gone wrong or i missed something.
I had Zero Tolerance warning hack 1.5. So I only followed the instructions from WarningSystemInstallationInstructions.txt and the upgrade_warn.php file ran without any error now though:
- In admincp I have 2 tabs: Warning Systems and the old warning Options.
- Clicking on "View Warning Logs" results in: Could not find phrase 'no_warnings_found'.
- "View Banned users" results in:
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT user.userid, user.username, user.usergroupid AS busergroupid,
userban.usergroupid AS ousergroupid, userban.reason AS reason,
IF(userban.displaygroupid = 0, userban.usergroupid, userban.displaygroupid) AS odisplaygroupid,
bandate, liftdate,
adminuser.userid AS adminid, adminuser.username AS adminname
FROM user AS user
LEFT JOIN userban AS userban ON(userban.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN user AS adminuser ON(adminuser.userid = userban.adminid)
WHERE user.usergroupid IN(8)
ORDER BY userban.liftdate ASC, user.username
mysql error: Unknown column 'userban.reason' in 'field list'
mysql error number: 1054
- And finally when clicking on "view warnings" inside someones posts I get an empty white screen.
So did i miss anything? or just messed up hardcore and should retry ?