Originally Posted by Viol8or
Very nice  Happy to see the stats are in there.
Maybe one more suggestion, coming from my users. It would be nice if we could set a level of when the warning indicator changes colour. Now it is always displayed in red in the post bit. But why not black or blue up to a warning level of ex. 7 and from then on in red?
OK, here is a patch for the postbit template which will do what you want. It's not perfect, but I think it should work.
Go into your postbit or postbit_legacy templates and find the part that shows the Warnings Level and Number of Bans.
In that part of the code, you will find something like:
HTML Code:
<font color="#ff0000">
Try replacing that thing with:
HTML Code:
<if condition="$post[warning_level]<$limit">
<font color="#0000ff">
<else />
<font color="#ff0000">
Be careful, the font color is changed several times, so replace it as many times as needed.
Then open your showthread.php file and find:
PHP Code:
Below that add:
PHP Code:
Then open your includes/functions_showthread.php and find:
PHP Code:
global $bbuserinfo, $session, $ignore, $permissions, $hierarchical, $viewoption, $_REQUEST;
Replace that with:
PHP Code:
global $bbuserinfo, $session, $ignore, $permissions, $hierarchical, $viewoption, $limit, $_REQUEST;
Blue up to 6 and from then on red, if your warnings limit is 10.
I hope you like it.