Originally Posted by plubius
I would love to install this hack and thank the coder for making it, however, I have the extra ip info hack located here www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=66824 installed ......
Is it possible to run both hacks and can this template be edited to serve them both? If it is possible could show me what I will need to edit?
I don't know much about the other hack, but looking at the two templates I would suggest trying this ;
PHP Code:
<if condition="$show['ip']">
$vbphrase[ip]: $post[ip]
<else />
<a href="ipinfo.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$post[postid]"><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/ip.gif" alt="$vbphrase[ip]" title="$post[ip]" border="0" /></a>
<a href="postings.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getip&p=$post[postid]"><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/ipp.gif" alt="$vbphrase[ip]" title="$post[ip]" border="0" /></a>
This should give you two icons, one for ipinfo, and one for this hack (the red one).