Originally Posted by Stangsta
I get a completely blank page, it doesn't diaplay any errors on the page. If there is another way to check for errors, i am unfamiliar. I posted some info in a couple of my previous posts in this thread hoping it would shed some light.
I don't know if this helps, but my sig.jpg and signature.jpg files are identical, just 2 different names. Should the sig.jpg be the input image and signature.jpg be an ampty file?
Thanks for any and all assistance, it is greatly appreciated.
Yup, the 2 images should be identical - that threw me at 1st too

If you bring up signature.php in your browser its showing a blank page? or are you getting the blank when you use the bbcode?
I'm sure you have already checked this, but is the path to both images accurate (although Im pretty sure that would throw an error, or red x if it wasnt correct)
I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will pop in with the answer, these are just really basic preliminary things - it took me a bit to get mine going, but i kept re-reading this thread and eventually the lightbulb went off and I realized my issue (paths! Doh!! lol)
Hang in there, you'll get it going!