Originally Posted by sabret00the
Originally Posted by traderx
Originally Posted by traderx
I think that is a great idea. I have just install the journal hack and think it would be a good addition to the news letter. On my site (4xtraders.com/forum) I have added a left and right column to my whole site (use header and footer), could there be a way that this could be included in the html email of your commbull.php that you created. I looked around yours and was getting lost as to where/how I could do this.
Just wondering, could it be possible to pull whats send in the emails to my www.site.com/index.php? I would to have some of these items on my main page. I have created a vb powered page but have no clue how to pull those items into it..... just an idea
yeah it would be easy to port the code over 
Mind sharing how this might be done for us php newbies such as myself

I looked around the commbull.php but got lost. I have been playing around with
vb powerd template pages and would like to add these items from commbull, so some examples on how I can do it would be great