Hi Grandeur_69,
I installed the Commbull today... and did recieve a bulletin on my 2 test aco++++s so it appears that it is working.
1. However, i got the following error during installation -
User table altered... Failed (Possibly already updated)
User table altered... Failed (Possibly already updated)
Phrase table updated (profile.php 1 of 3)...Already Update
Phrase table updated (profile.php 2 of 3)...Already Update
Phrase table updated (profile.php 3 of 3)...Already Update
Phrase table updated (admincp/index.php) ...Already Update
2. When I click on 'send email' or 'send' to send out the commbull - then after a while i get "your request timed out" page - does this mean that the commbull did not go to all folks on the forum??
overall.. a realy COOL hack.
<thumbs up>