Uae, one other thing. Not sure if it's just sloppy editing on my part, but, I figured out, with the help of some of the digital masters on this board, where my member profile issue is.
Altering the /includes/functions_online.php file caused my member profile link to crash, ie, one could not view individual member profiles. Not sure if anyone else has noticed or experienced this, but, it's something to keep an eye out for.
I tried editing that file again, with no success. What's your take on this? Any ideas where it might be triggering problems?
Sorry. My mistake. I added the bottom edit of /includes/functions.php to /includes/functions_online.php. These html install things are sometimes tricky to see (a plain text file with all the template and file edits, though not as professional looking, or nice, seem to be more effective and easier to work with, in my opinion, especially if you have to go back and dig around in them.)
Board's working fine. Waiting for a work around with the persistent pager pop up. Wish I new more about this stuff to help.