Originally Posted by lasto
ok in php.ini in root ive set the max upload to 8 megs yet when uploading a single rar though vb3 i get this error
File Too Large. Exceeds PHP's limit of 2.00 MB.
yet its set to 8 megs - is there any php files in vb3 i also need to change ?
Also i sent email to host and they checked and global php is set to 16megs.
"memory_limit = 16M" on your domains php.ini as well as global php.ini is set to 16M, we do not beleive this issue to be related to the max memory limit of php`
This is doing me nut in as i need it to allow a single file upload of between 2 and 3 megs.
memory limit is differnt than max_post_size & max_upload_size (php and php.ini) and max_packet_size (my.cnf mysql setting)