Thanks rich, I'm glad that you've got it to work....
Originally Posted by docvader
OK, we found two issues.
ONE: If you send a pager message to someone, and you leave the "send reply" box unchecked, the pager message that the recipient gets cannot be closed.
Do you mean that they can not see the close button? or they see it but when clicking on it nothing happes?
Originally Posted by docvader
If you send a pager message to someone, with the pager message box checked, the recipient has the option to respond, but, he cannot close the pager box unless he either types in the box, or space bars three times in the box.
Same thing, can they see the close button?
Originally Posted by docvader
Also, it would be nice to have scroll bars in the pager box (easy to add some sort of autoscroll feature), as some of my members cannot see the bottom of the pager message within the pop up box, and prefer to have scroll bars so that they can see you can scroll down to "more stuff".
I'm working on this part.
Originally Posted by docvader
TWO: We can no longer see member profiles. Clicking on "View Public Profile" in the drop box under the member's name (in postbit) leads to a blank white page. Not sure what happened there! LOL. You cannot access member info from the postbit or from the member list.
There shouldn't be any problem with this, cos we haven't touched either files.
can you
REcheck the template edit made to
Where you find:
<if condition="$userinfo['pm']">
$vbphrase[private_message]:<br />
<a href="private.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newpm&u=$userinfo[userid]"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[send_private_message_to_x]</phrase></a>
Add BELOW that ADD:
<if condition="$bbuserinfo[canpager]">
<if condition="$bbuserinfo[userid]!=$userinfo[userid]">
$vbphrase[vbpager_message]:<br />
<a href="#" onClick='"$vboptions[bburl]/pager.php?action=pager&do=newpager&touserid=$userinfo[userid]","pager","width=330,height=177");return false;'><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[vbpager_send_pager_to] $userinfo[username]</phrase> </a>
<!-- [END HACK='vB Pager' AUTHOR='WwW.UAEWEB.COM' VERSION='2.0.2' CHANGEID= 3 ] -->
Originally Posted by docvader
Now, I did not do the file or template edits, as you suggested, assuming nothing had been changed within those. Not sure if you changed anything in there to fix these problems in the past day or two.
Exactly, there were no changes made to the file nor the template edits.
Originally Posted by docvader
Otherwise, I agree. This is awesome. HOTM material. Let's help Uae get it buffed up.