Originally Posted by Natch
Your loss...
And fwiw, unless you are also putting in time to provide hacks for others, I don't see where you think you get off insulting someone who has supported their hack for months and months, and then when you don't get a reply *during the holiday season* within 72 hours, you get all pissy!
OMG: again FWIW I wouldn't want you on *my* list of people to provide support to if this is your attitude...
Trust me, it's not a loss at all.
I don't put in the time to provide hacks, but I do put in many many hours of support time at my website. I know you may think that answering a few questions about this hack is difficult, but try running a website that has over 1500 users a day downloading terabytes of live shows continuously.
You have no idea.
If you don't believe me, go here
I wasn't asking the guy to come over to my house and do the laundry, I was simply asking a question that obviously other users are having the same issues. If he was worth his weight in salt, he'd at least have said, I'm busy at the moment, but I'll get to you as soon as time permits.
What are you? His alter ego?