Originally Posted by Dean C
Please keep it polite Revan 
He was very polite, compared to what I was tinking

Originally Posted by TwinsX2Dad
Nearly everyone who has asked me about an alternate browser has tried Opera & Firefox, but has returned to MSIE - all because they don't want the hassles of using something else. You see, while Firefox, Mozilla & Opera need standardized code, MSIE does not.
And this is your argument for...? For using MSIE?
O ... M ... F ... G ...
What if those companies that designed baby seats for cars thought as you did with regards standards? Dead children... (over the top? nah not really...)
What do you think is the reason for web standards (or for any standards)? Is it just to piss you off? Or do you think (just maybe) that the reason for web standards is to ensure that people (all people, not just people who can't be stuffed bypassing Microsoft's hold on their browsing experience) can all view all websites... it's a really simple concept, but maybe it's just too complex for some to comprehend.