Originally Posted by pgp2003
oh wow.. lol.. just asked a question.. phew...
I only had two people coming to me with this problem... so i guess i'll wait to see if there is more issues..
the reason I asked was this... other VB sites work just fine with firefox.. this is my only VB site that is having this problem.. and i have the following hacks
v3 articles
award medals
favorite links module for vBadvanced
trader rating
and added custom pages with VB style
which site is it PJ? i only run FF so i'd like to see if i can duplicate the problem.
and for all the firefox haters out there....get over it. If you don't care enough about your code to make it compliant, good for you. But there are designers/programmers out here who DO care, and who will follow the protocol because it makes SENSE. And if you don't care...go find another thread to crap on.