hey all! I am back from Spain! Had a great time! If ya wanna see what I did, check out this video:
http://www.sporthoj.com/stuff/filmer/spanien_low.wmv 60mb
Anyhow, back to the script.
* What about removing the "Edit" part for messages on a users guestbook page? But keep Edit for his own messages. That should make things a bit better don't it? Administrators will still be able to edit ALL messages though.
* Admin removal of a webpage... I can make that happen. Small "Delete" button will appear.. umh somewhere on the user's page.
ChuanSE: Please change in wbgbset.php:
$wghtml['webgbtotalwidth'] = '100%';
you have it set to 735 = forced width... not good.
ALSO, appears the HTML code is broken. Try downloading the latest copy of this script and update the contet of "memberinfo" and member.php.
I will make it so that it won't appear at all if no webpage is set. that is in a future release though.
Christmas is coming up and I gotta spend time with da girl soon... but I should have something nice for you all soon.