Originally Posted by ericgtr
That's completely understandable, I guess that's where it's nice when other people can jump in and help out. I do what I can also and you will find that I will become very active in this community as well, I was the same way with my last board. Obviously, I don't have much of a life.
I did alot of help with myvbindex back in the day, and now i help out brian with vBadvanced.
The community is changing and has changed, but that doesnt mean we cant adapt and change as well.
I really dont like the fact "everyone" is going out and making hacks and charging for them, now granted there are some that are worthy of it.
I think what really gets me are the people who are making alot of money on their websites who wont pay for a simple hack, or wont reinvest some of their time and efforts back into the community