Originally Posted by MPDev
Actually, what is often said is that response time may be slower on the weekends and bumping a thread posted a few hours before isn't going to change anything. The obvious difference is that during the day we have more eyes on the board and during the weekends only one at any given time who is monitoring support forums and emails.
It may be slower on the weekends, but we are still providing support.
My personal opinion:
I own photopost and I have just bout vBadvanced gallery.
For vB3 integration you simply cannot beat Vba. Photopost is clunky to modify and integrate (up to the current release) and costs significantly more.
Why pay more for software when it does the same job, but not as slick?
Support can run hot and cold. My last post regarding a problem (was the photopost classifieds which I also own and think is great) I ended up posting twice. Still have no word form anyone and the last post was 10 days ago!
Anyway, I like you Mike, I think your products are pretty good, but they are not focused enough to stand up against scripts that are made strictly for vB. Thats why I say vB users should look for vB specific stuff first.
My hat goes off to the vBa guys... I have bought everything they have done and never once had a problem with it. In fact, it has always exceeded my expectations.