Originally Posted by jos
do i just open the files in a text editor, and than just copy the code that all-the-vb posted... copy and paste?
do exactly this:
Originally Posted by all-the-vb
open (FORUMDISPLAY) templates:
<select name="daysprune" style="width:125px">
after that add:
<option value="900">15 min</option>
<option value="1800">30 min</option>
<option value="2700">45 min</option>
<option value="3600">1 Hours</option>
<option value="7200">2 Hours</option>
<option value="21600">6 Hours</option>
<option value="43200">12 Hours</option>
open forumdisplay.php
PHP Code:
$datecut = '';
$show['noposts'] = true;
after that add:
PHP Code:
$all_the_vb = array(900,1800,2700,3600,7200,21600,43200);
if(in_array ($daysprune,$all_the_vb))
$datecut = "AND lastpost >= " . (TIMENOW - ($daysprune));
$show['noposts'] = false;
to get to your templates:
go to admincp -> styles and templates -> style manager, then on your style(s) drop down list click on <edit templates>.. if you have more than one style, do it on both of them...
to mod your forumdisplay.php, ftp your site, grab the file, modify it in a text editor or dreamweaver or whatever, then save it and upload it back to your server. make sure to have a backup, though... in case you mod that file incorrectly...