You can see an example of the new vB3 Enhanced version on
vB3 Enhanced
. New vB3 Enhanced mode with templates that take advantage of vB3 features like collapse/expand and vB3 look-and-feel
. Auto support for CSS as file option
. Inclusion of the inc_photopost.php and inc_features.php scripts which will now be PhotoPost supported scripts. These scripts allow the integration of Featured Photos and your Gallery listing on your vB Main Index page. New features for these integration mods include:
collapse/expand (with memory), improved integration/configuration (much easier to integrate/configure, uses new config-int.php file for common settings) and
security (photos or galleries user doesn't have permission for will not be displayed).
. Text areas, including signatures, descriptions and comments use vB's own internal bb code converter (includes smilies)
. Quick Reply uses vB3 enhanced input text box and Comments page can optionally use WYSIWYG interface (Comments page can also use simple enhanced version, both included and configurable with switch)
. Redesigned header-inc.php to remove configuration items (moved into a config-int.php) and improve vB header integration
Other New Features
. All 4.8.2 fixes reported to date.
. SMF integration (now supporting 11 forums)
Thumbnail/Gallery selectible dropdown for showgallery pages which allow for thumbnail only views
. Assigned albums appear only on Page 1 and appear with thumbnails and owner
. Configurable location of "templates" directory in the event you want to rename the directory to savegaurd your template work
. Redesigned Admin Options page which allows sections to be selected
. Two new Options sections for Cookies and Forum settings
. Integration of the "Show Albums" mod which provides an index of all albums; switch can be used to add link to Members Gallery (see
this example link)
. All SQL files have been removed and are self contained in scripts
. CONFIG-INC.PHP has been redone to remove most options and move then into the database; leaving only the necessary items in the config-inc.php file.
. New thumbnail option - rounded (used on PhotoPostDev).
Upload limit per day - set per usergroup, limits number of daily uploads
Move/Delete options seperated - Admin Options now allow for specifying users can move or delete images individually. (Also, removed category change from Edit page if they cannot move an image).
Post/Vote options have been seperated and can each be set within categories section.
. User ability to
sort albums to control the order in which they are displayed.
. Integration with vb3 sessions login
Scan DB improved to allow selection of specific categories for actions (or even all albums).
New install to simplify the installation and integration process.
. Updated alternate gallery layout with thumbnail border support (
used here)
. Added options when adding a new category which allow bypassing of edit properties or going stright to a new addition.
. Admin Log expanded to include moving/deleting images and deleting comments
. Preview section under photo now uses thumbnail template settings
. Improved actegory addition to inherit sorting order and voting options
What else would you need