Now I have nothing to do with this code just want to update people
it works on 3.0.3 I tried it.
There is a odd thing though.
If you post in the guestbook you can edit it. ok
but why would the owner of the guest book be allowed to edit? That is odd. A guest book is like a email that sticks. Users will change what people post to the guest book to what ever they like. A girl could say nice page and a owner of that page can change it to I am a hore dont talk to me if they got into a fight. Get my point? any idea how to change that?
Thanks. Also still looking on a way to have the website a FIXED size. so people dont put up 800x800 web pages
Also z-index works on this. in otherwords if a user has a webpage they can cover thier whole profile with HTML. that is a security bug. They could mimic the site this way.
Just to let you guys know.