Oh oh oh, and last but not least. Why buy your RPG rather than dl the free RPG intergration hack. I am just asking.
I'm kinda curious on this too. I have an entire budget just for our forums, but I'm not dropping a dime on anything that I can see or make work on my own. And so far, I haven't seen that this Lite version actually does anything at all. I have experienced RPGers looking at this thing and scratching their heads alongside long time vB admins (I'm very new to vB, comparatively speaking) from other forums. No one seems to know "how to make it go", so to speak. It's just taking up space right now without any information on what to do with it.
So, I'm very interested to see how this Lite version is pitched so that I can determine if it's worth shelling out the money for the full version. Personally, I think this is a cool idea. But it's only cool if it works.