Originally Posted by ChrisBaktis
Need some Mod Help....
I run a site that mambers trade on - I want to use this form to post a thread of what is being traded....This is what I would like to do...
Instead of the username and form title to show up as the 'Thread Title' I would like to use $normalanswer1 / $normalanswer2
For Example..I would like the title show up as 'member#1 / member#2' This way when our mods are going through the posts the title of each post is the two members names that are making the trade with an '/' in between.
Can this be done? if so how?
Also is it possible to use Bold and underline in the output when this is posted to a thread? I know I cannot use HTML because I dont allow HTML in the thread but is there any other way?
1. You can change the thread title within the code - look at the code and you can work it out.
2. You can modify the form template with bbcode tags to add bold.