Hello everyone! Hopefully I'm in the right forum
What I'm trying to do is setup my own vb powered page with RSS feeds on it. Now I created my php file and the template. You can view it here:
I'm using Magpie to parse the RSS. Now I have a file called technewsdata.php which is called from a varible in my phpinclude_start template.
PHP Code:
require_once 'rss_fetch.inc';
$url = 'http://rssnewsapps.ziffdavis.com/tech.xml';
$rss = fetch_rss($url);
echo "Site: ", $rss->channel['title'], "<br>\n";
foreach ($rss->items as $item ) {
$title = $item[title];
$url = $item[link];
echo "<a href=$url>$title</a></li><br>\n";
As you can see, this works perfect (check out link posted above). Now, I want to add about 5-10 more RSS feeds like this to the same page. Now I don't know PHP at all, so I'm not sure how to accomplish this. How can I use the ONE technewsdata.php file for all my RSS feeds? Is it called an array? That's where I'm hoping you guys could help me. So I don't have to create say, technewsdata_slashdot.php, with the same parse information above. I want to utilize one php file.
I hope this makes sense, and if not let me know what else you need from me.
Any help or information on this would be greatly appreciated!