at the moment the script is built in such a way that groups must be moderated, although you should've just checked the screenie

(that was a joke btw incase my tone came across all aggressive).
regarding personalised themes, the plan at the moment is to have mini-headers on group pages, basically it'll be a small strip with your sites logo/name then navigation. then from there you'd be able to personalise by (what i'm hoping for anyway) is overwriting the css colour variables, that's the plan, however it's gonna be a while off, i've gotta actually get it fully working in it's most basic form before i get to the advances features of which that i consider.
as soon as i get the group page made i'll post a screenie, in terms of getting the pages done (working, not final with all features) i'm around a third of the way, as i said i got a bit to work on with the index. i.e "my groups" bit, and the different display for full group browsing.