Originally Posted by rob_daemon
Tell me if the attached file fixes the bug, it should. If it does I'll release 1.2.1. By the way, the code you posted doesn't handle polls in two or more threads elegantly (which is why I chose to throw an error in this event), it doesn't update the parentid for all the merged threads, and other things for more than two threads. If you just merge two, it should work, but otherwise there will be a problem.
By the way, toss_cookies() is the first of two methods to remove the inline moderation cookies after an action.
Yes, this file works fine. May I humbly suggest two improvements before you release next version? First, I would like to see a note attached at the merged thread saying "This thread was created by merging other threads, by ...., on ...., at ..... . I'll add that myself if you don't, but I think it is a worthwhile addition.
Second, you do not have to be so restrictive with the title of the new thread. What I would suggest is, to show the mod the title of the first thread you are merging, and allow him to change it, if he so wants. If he doesn't, then you can use the original, first thread title, as the title for the new merged thread.
Finally, since merging two threads can result in a new thread, whose placement needs to be changed (moved to a different forum), why don't you add the forum selection in the template form, and if the user selects a different forum, from the one in which the initial threads were, then move the new, merged thread to the new forum. In that way, the mod does not have to do a merge and then do a move.
Just a couple of thoughts.
One more thing I just found out, although I am not sure if you can do something about it. I have installed another hack, which shows me which members have seen a thread. It looks as if after the merging, that information is lost, since in the merged thread, it only shows me, as having seen it. I think it should show all members who have seen all merged threads. A pain? Yeah, I guess you are right. I'll see if I can do something about this.
By the way, this is one of the most useful hacks I've seen, thank you Sir.