Originally Posted by R1chardYoung
How does the PP and Limit work and with what? What values should these increment by when leveling?
Depends on how strong members you want. I dont really remember the recommended values for this version of the hack, because the coding changed for v3.
Originally Posted by R1chardYoung
I saw your post about lossing the work. If you need some storage space to keep this let me know.
Thanks for the offer, but I already got a host and I will be getting 600 GB hd space soon, but the problem is that I didnt anticipate the hd corrupting half of all my files, before finally destroying the rest of my files....
Originally Posted by fpouk
one more ? though
why isnt each attack more random? everytime i use my first i do 21 damage (or something like) Why cant it be random? and say something like 21 one time and 15 the next and so on?
It's obvious that if you have more HP your gonna win the battle. If it was random there would be chances of some upsets.
..And this is a feature in v3

Damage is randomised +/- 10 % of the original damage