I'm using the editor kit on my site to display an auction list using a search term users add to their profile. I added the profile field to the code that you use on your site so the list is automacally generated when you open the page. It should work the same way by using ebay user ID's. The kit can be found here.
http://cgi3.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?EKCreate (If your not an affiliate sign up and you will get some commision from this

Attached is a screen shot of how it should look.
Mine is set up to use the profile field of whoever is viewing the page (global.php) so it's pretty simple. Yours will be a little more involved, but could be accomplished by creating another template for member.php (member.php?&do=ebay)
I might take a look at it if I have time.