Originally Posted by capslock
there is a mysql error during install
what is the error cuse i check the install script about 10 times before posted..
Originally Posted by vorphalack
Any limit on the number of "teams"? And is it easy to change the word "team" to something else or would that require a lot of edits?
I also see several misspelled words like private, management, because
I would also want change words to lower case such as (looking at privtearea_viewpoll screenshot): We and Accept
Other than these smaller issues, looks great! There's something I was thinking about adding usergroups for but I think this would work way better.
ok .
1. no limit - you can add as much teams as you want
2. to change word team will take lots of edits - allmost the entire hack
3. if you can pm the sppeking problems i will fix it asap and repost
4. to change what you want edit templates if you dont find it just tell