Hey ya Zach!
I wanted to report back here if and when my programmer fixed the issues that we were having with this, and I must apologise for the delay as we were able to get this working late in October! :nervous:
He did however have to make some changes, but now I am very pleased to report that it works a charm! I get zero, I repeat zero rejections from providers like Hotmail, AOL, and the like. And this also allowed us to change the settings on the server to "Disallow mail to be sent from User Nobody" which was a big security hole, and ended us up on a few blacklists for SPAM. Thanks to you and this hack, we've been removed from most if not all hacks and couldn't be happier.
Sooo...here is what he had to do to get this to work for us, and I've also attached our functions and mail php files all marked with:
# SMTP mail bug fix Ulf Stabe (server, email, and pass info removed of course..hehe)
- the errormessage function needs to be outside the smtp class
- changed the opening HELO command to the EHLO command
- a typo in an if clause of mail class : if ($this->smtpUser AND
$this->smtpPass) --> if ($this->smtpUser & $this->smtpPass)
- explicitely set a socket timeout of 100 millisec, otherwise every call
where the response is checked takes 1 min (default timeout). So sending one
mail took more than 6 min!
- In VB the delimiter for sendmail is a linefeed (/n), SMTP needs carriage
return and linefeed (/r/n) This is only set correctly when the php ini entry
for sendmail path is removed.
I replace the wrong delimiter with the right one now shortly before the mail
is sent.
I hope this helps anyone who was having the same issue as I was, and thanks again ZACHERY!!!