usergroup.php query not working
here is my error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:
Invalid SQL: UPDATE usergroup SET
### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
title = 'Administrators',
description = '',
usertitle = 'Administrator',
opentag = '',
closetag = '',
passwordexpires = '180',
passwordhistory = '360',
attachlimit = '0',
avatarmaxwidth = '80',
avatarmaxheight = '80',
avatarmaxsize = '20000',
profilepicmaxwidth = '100',
profilepicmaxheight = '100',
profilepicmaxsize = '65535',
pmquota = '50',
pmsendmax = '5',
canviewjournal = '1',
canhavejournal = '1',
cancommentjournals = '1',
canratejournals = '1',
canreportentries = '1',
caneditownjournal = '1',
caneditownentries = '1',
candeleteownjournal = '1',
candeleteownentries = '1',
cansearchjournal = '1',
forumpermissions = '393215',
pmpermissions = '3',
calendarpermissions = '31',
wolpermissions = '31',
adminpermissions = '3',
genericpermissions = '4194239',
genericoptions = '31',
articlepermissions = '4095'
WHERE usergroupid=6
mysql error: Unknown column 'canviewjournal' in 'field list'
mysql error number: 1054
Date: Friday 03rd of December 2004 12:45:11 AM
Username: nof
IP Address:
I looked in the database and found that none of the canview'journal' fields where updated. I just installed and downloaded this yesterday. Not sure what the problem could be.