Is the "Can view custom private fields" something you added with another hack? The reason I ask is because I can't seem to find that option in my usergroup manager. Let me know and I'll try to fix it for you.
{edit} Nevermind, it seems that the "Can View Private Custom Fields" option is fairly new and isn't in my version (3.0.1).. I'm looking into it now.
Also if I try to make the RIDES field required it drops off the http://www.url/forum/profile.php?do=edittimeslip page - it just disappears...
Actually ANY field I try to make required disappears - BUT when you try to submit it tells you "You have not completed the required field "Track Name" and of course you cant see the field ... LOL
Thats because the vehicle profile is meant to be completely separate and the fields were not intended to be used on the register page or made required.