Originally Posted by Revan
The images should all be placed under the /images, because it is style independant.
And blank pages is most likely due to you not importing the templates as per the install instructions.
I did import the templates.
I will try it again, as I may have stuffed it up somehow (just in case) But I did everything exactly as was listed in the instructions.
Okay, I will go and try to import the templates again and see if it helps.
EDIT: Ive just uploaded the templates again, and it works! This is weird because I remember doing it for all my styles. I think I may know what went wrong: last time i did it the upload on last for an instant (maybe the file did not upload fully) and this time the upload took a bit longer.
Okay, thankyou very much for the assistance. I hope I wasnt too much of a pain. I just needed some ideas for where the problem may have been. Once again great hack! I love your work, and I cant wait for future releases/add-ons
PS: I there anyway I can donate some cash to you through paypal or such? I dont think I can give much, but $20AU is better then nothing I supose