hey guys, I've used this Shoutbox on a number of other sites, and wanted to use it on my own, but I'm getting a couple of Parse Errors. I did read most of the thread here, but I didn't see anything that related to the errors I'm getting.
Parse Error #1:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting ')' in /home/unifiedx/public_html/forum/index.php on line 57
I don't see anything wrong with that line, after comparing it to the original file.
Parse Error #2
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ELSE in /home/unifiedx/public_html/forum/admincp/usergroup.php on line 141
This was the file edit:
// set default yes permissions (bitfields)
$ug_bitfield = array(
'showgroup' => 1,
'canview' => 1,
'canviewmembers' => 1,
'canviewothers' => 1,
'cagetattachment' => 1,
'cansearch' => 1,
'canmodifyprofile' => 1,
'canthreadrate' => 1,
'canpostattachment' => 1,
'canpostpoll' => 1,
'canvote' => 1,
'canwhosonline' => 1,
'allowhidden' => 1,
'showeditedby' => 1,
'canseeprofilepic' => 1,
'canusesignature' => 1,
'cannegativerep' => 1,
'canuserep' => 1,
'shoutpost' => 1,
'shoutedit' => 1,
'shoutdelete' => 1,
'shouthdelete' => 0,
'shouteditothers' => 0,
'shoutdeleteothers' => 0,
'shouthdeleteothers' => 0,
'shoutip' => 0,
'shoutcoventry' => 0,
// set default numeric permissions
$usergroup = array(
'pmquota' => 0, 'pmsendmax' => 5, 'attachlimit' => 1000000,
'avatarmaxwidth' => 50, 'avatarmaxheight' => 50, 'avatarmaxsize' => 20000,
'profilepicmaxwidth' => 100, 'profilepicmaxheight' => 100, 'profilepicmaxsize' => 25000,
'shouthierarchy' => 5, 'shoutmaxdaily' =>0
But this is what appears:
139 print_table_header($vbphrase['add_new_usergroup']);
140 {
142 $usergroupid = intval($_REQUEST['usergroupid']);
Same deal here with first error, after comparing it with the original file, those lines appear exactly as they should be. And no, I didn't use Dreamweaver for the file edits, I used UEdit. Gonna go back and try again with Notepad :ermm:
*EDIT* I got the Usergroup.php problem taken care of, but still having the Parse Error in Index.php on line 57
Got the Index.php problem taken care, WITH Dreamweaver. I need a beer