Thanks for the amazing script.
I installed it rather quikcly and it seems to be working.
Suggestions for future updates
1. Fix the missing smiley issue. Also, I get several duplicates
2. When chat is offline, be able to post via Admin page the Reason For Turning Chat Off in the same way that you can include a reason for turing the Forum OFF.
3. *** Save transcript of chats in a text file (includes time and user names)
4. Disable ability to create multiple chat rooms. I simply wanted one chat room and had to go into the codes to remove the Create chat option.
5. *** get rid of the annoying click sound whenever the page refreshes, change the time delay for page refreshes.
6. Be able to change the size of the cache for previous posts (seems to be 10 - 15 posts).
7. Allow admins to have a much LARGE chache then guests.
Thanks again.