Originally Posted by sv1cec
2. Revan's question. Two different things here, the maturity is the number of days that the points stay in a user's account. It doesn't pay to warn a user for a minor thing (maybe one point) and keep that warning point for ever. If you do not want that to happen, yes, you need to set the maturity of the warnings to something like 99999.
Yes, a member sees a link, which shows him his own warnings.
Okay, cool. Thanks for replying.
I can see the usefulness of a maturity level, because my members seem to like posting short annoying messages that sometimes aint even on topic

Warning them for each and every post would get them kicked offa the board within a day
About the AutoWarn, how about including autowarn for posting in threads older than [admin set time]? And this only has effect in [admin set forums]?
I know I could install hacks that auto closes threads, but I am having a problem with my users posting in ancient Newbie threads. I dont want ALL old threads to be closed, as sometimes its not bad to revive them, but being welcomed by a dude who just joined after the welcomed member has 200 posts, thats just dumb