OK folks, as you probably know, I've been working to implement an "Automatic Warning" feature. A member asked for it, and I thought it was a good idea.
Basically, what it does, is it issues a warning, when a user enters censored words in a post. I assume you are aware with the censorship option of vBulletin. Now, it's pretty much ready, and it traps censored words in new threads, new posts (answers to posts), when you edit a post you made, when you send a Private message.
What I want to ask you, is if you can think of any other area, where such an automatic warning will be necessary.
Your ideas would be appreciated.
If I do not hear from you until tomorrow morning (that's in about 8 hours from now), I'll upload Version 2.0 of AWS, as I have it now.
One more thing. Today, even though several of you have posted messages with questions, I haven't received a single notification from vbulletin.org. Did the same thing happened with you too?